``Women must be drawn into working life. This is essential for development.``

Professor Dr. Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı

Enhancing Women’s Leadership Trajectories via Female Role Models

This project, funded by the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the framework of the MATRA Human Rights Program, was realized between 15 November 2017- 15 November 2019.

At the end of the project, 82 young professional women with leadership targets from 10 different sectors completed their trainings on general and sectoral leadership in their fields of work, seminars they participated and the mentoring process provided by the leading names in their field. Training modules and seminars organized by the Project Coordinator between September 2018 and February 2019, sectoral meetings and following the six training-seminar days, which included roundtable discussion sessions, mentoring days took place in March, April and May, including leading women in the leading role models in the field. Our sectors covered academia, architecture and sustainable women-friendly urbanization, health, arts, business and management, entrepreneurship, communication, retail and sustainable production (mainly agriculture), NGOs and social services, science and technology.

Today, even in contexts where women’s employment rates are relatively high, gender-based discrimination continues according to the field of study and the position worked. The fact that women can compete and participate equally with men in every job and position plays a key role not only in the welfare of individuals, but also in the context of economic and social development of societies. The lack of sufficient women in leadership positions has a negative impact on a wide range of issues from women’s domestic division of labor to social status. The main objective of this project is to support the leader young women of the future, to contribute to the increase in the number of women in decision-making mechanisms, as well as to ensure the sustainability of the role models and mentoring cycle through the “Role Model Leader Women Network” and to improve the participation patterns of women in business life. is to take a step.

Dr. Aslı E. Mert

Proje Coordinator